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Thanks to all who came out to the Public Drop-In Meeting! Please click on the link below to learn more.

Public Drop-In Meeting Information!



Welcome to the project website for the Town of Pacolet’s process to prepare a Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will set a strategic, long-range vision for how the Town will grow and develop over the next 10 to 20 years. As the last plan was created in 1999, it is important to ensure the vision will meet the future needs and desires of the community. The plan will include recommendations specific to land use, transportation, housing, environmental resources, and a range of other important topics. The State’s Planning Enabling Act requires communities to maintain an updated comprehensive plan to administer zoning, put in place development impact fees, and influence other development related matters.  As part of the update, the Comprehensive Plan will include additional visioning and master planning for five focus areas that will inlcude the following:

  1. Pacolet Milliken properties (over 300 acres);
  2. The Amphitheater area;
  3. The Flats;
  4. The Old Mill Site; and
  5. Downtown.   

The updated Plan will be utilized by the Town to guide orderly growth and provide a rational basis for future planning and zoning decisions. Part of the plan will also help guide management of and investment into the Pacolet Area.